Julia's House Bournemouth Half Marathon

Huge congratulations to all those who ran for Julia's House the Dorset and Wiltshire Children's Hospices Marathon. Julia's House is a hospice for children with life-limiting, life-threatening or terminal conditions. Most of the children who are cared for are unlikely to live beyond the age of 18. Our goal was to raise £13k, £1k for each year the amazing Caroline Attreed (https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-attreed-juliashouse/) has worked for Julia's House. 

We are proud to be part of Team 13 and raised over £35,000 from individual sponsorship and extremely generous matching from James Benamor

You are all legends! Big shout out to Anthony Stazicker (https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-staz-stazicker-cgc-2522291a1/) for pumping us all the way from mile 1.